Special thx to EOmix blog!
Level Restrictions
Leave Tutorial Island - Level 4
Aeven - Level 5
Aeven Port - Level 6
Malone Outlet Path - Level 7
Castle/Skywonder Path - Level 8
Ice Mountain/Ice Caves - Level 10
North New Swamp/Vines/Tenbas - Level 18
Biters Under Grocery - Level 16
Hall of Pain - Level 20
Spawn Rate Changes
Biters now have a reduced spawn rate.
Tenbas and Bales now have a reduced spawn rate.
Update: level restrictions have been added to dozens of maps!!!
Players over level 10 were set back to level 10. New level restrictions have been added to access more maps throughout the game. Experience and spawn rates of several monsters have been lowered.
A new command was added to the game. Type in #KILLS. This command informs you the x amount of kills you've gotten out of 2400 allotted to you per day. If you get over that kills in a day you will stop earning experience. You can still gain experience from completing quest at this point. Also, level restrictions have been added to some scrolls. For instance you must be level 25 to use a Scroll of Ancient now. This counter is reset every 24 hours in the early morning.
All character levels, banks and lockers were wiped. Items on your character's paper doll were not wiped, so if you had some decent gear on you're in luck!
As many of you know, "Arglona" in-game is in direct contact with the admin(s). He/She is now taking ideas, complaints and updating players on new events concerning Endless Online via MSN (not only Arglon). If you'd like to have some say in the future of EO don't hesitate to speak up and help shape the game. Add arglon@hotmail.com to your friends list. DON'T DO THIS!
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