środa, 28 grudnia 2011
Wojowniku, łap za swoją Ultimę!
Na nowy rok 2012 przygotowaliśmy dla naszych "starych" graczy i przyjaciół nowy i, w końcu, stabilny server! Opłacony hosting i zapał programistów pozwoli w tym nowym roku cieszyć się rozwojem naszego community! Kto wie, ciągły kontakt z Vultem-R może zmotywuje i naszego holenderskiego przyjaciela do odwiedzenia naszego small projektu ;).
Bracia Gnoll - na wschód od spawnu ukryli się dwaj zmutowani bracia Gnoll. Po katakliźmie pożarli wszystkie ubrania i bronie obywateli. Pokonaj braci by uzyskać randomowy item! Może to Ty trafisz na Elder Robes?
Wurm - w kotłowni przyczaił się potężny robal! To on stoczył walkę z naszym najsilniejszym wojownikiem, połykając wraz z jego kośćmi jedynie najcenniejszą zbroję i broń. Zabij robaka by odzyskać najmocniejszy sprzęt na serverze!
Zalety servera
- server działający 24/h, opłacony hosting na 2012, brak lagów!
- stabilny source (oryginalny EoServ), który nie padnie!
- rzesza programistów implementujących questy (Jimmyee, Blolylo, Hincu)
- profesjonalne podejście do tematu (nie mamy 12 lat)
- oryginalne statystyki itemów!
- server oparty na craftingu (w przyszłości również na questach)
- PVP na okrągło!
- Zwiększony 4x EXP!
- Custom mapy robione przez Esa (Kobalt)
- Nieingerująca w życie graczy administracja.
- Losowe dropy bossów (tak jak na kobalcie! wydrop swoje wingsy i guna!)
Dlaczego zdecydowaliśmy się na oryginalny source Sausage?
Poprzednia przygoda z serverem zakończyła się po kilkumiesięcznej przygodzie.
Amatorskie podejście do custom projektów sprawiło, że EoVodka była niestabilna
i wyłączalna przez każdego exploitera w 5 sekund. Postanowiliśmy zrobić krok wstecz i zafundować wam troszkę inną, ale również ciekawą rozgrywkę.
W 2012 roku nastąpiła geologiczna katastrofa. Ziemia rozpadła się na kawałeczki a na jednym z nich przetrwali nieliczni eoludzie. Dryfując w kosmosie zmuszeni byli do walki o przetrwanie w świecie bez prawa. W świecie pełnym zmutowanych leśnych potworów zmuszeni byli do odkrywania wnętrza skały, na której przyszło im żyć..
Kontakt z administracją
czwartek, 6 października 2011
piątek, 30 września 2011
czwartek, 29 września 2011
środa, 28 września 2011
piątek, 23 września 2011
Dziwne lagi. Oczywiście, jak zawsze może być to DDoS. Natomiast zadziwia brak wyrzucenia przez server przy drugim maploader (welcome 2). Po patchu uniemożliwiającym dupe drugi pakiet powodował D/C. Wygląda na to, że server w ogóle nie odebrał tego pakietu lub nie był w stanie odpowiedzieć. Ale przecież to powinna być reakcja natychmiastowa? Nie wiem, server muli.. Powyższy screen może jedynie podpowiedzieć, że łatka na dupe jest troszkę 'dalej' ulokowana niż się spodziewałem.
piątek, 2 września 2011
czwartek, 1 września 2011
sobota, 20 sierpnia 2011
czwartek, 18 sierpnia 2011
The Sims Online, krótka opinia
Moja przygoda z tym MMO, podobnie jak w przypadku Mapple Story Adventures, trwała kilka minut. Nuda i flaki z olejem. Stopień interakcji między graczami jest minimalny, czy doczekam się gry na FB gdzie będę mógł z kimś postać na planszy? Chyba nie..
sobota, 6 sierpnia 2011
A new quest added?
The pub files insist on it. Well, due to low level i'm not able to say anything else..
piątek, 5 sierpnia 2011
'Minor' updates
Special thx to EOmix blog!
Level Restrictions
Leave Tutorial Island - Level 4
Aeven - Level 5
Aeven Port - Level 6
Malone Outlet Path - Level 7
Castle/Skywonder Path - Level 8
Ice Mountain/Ice Caves - Level 10
North New Swamp/Vines/Tenbas - Level 18
Biters Under Grocery - Level 16
Hall of Pain - Level 20
Spawn Rate Changes
Biters now have a reduced spawn rate.
Tenbas and Bales now have a reduced spawn rate.
Update: level restrictions have been added to dozens of maps!!!
Players over level 10 were set back to level 10. New level restrictions have been added to access more maps throughout the game. Experience and spawn rates of several monsters have been lowered.
A new command was added to the game. Type in #KILLS. This command informs you the x amount of kills you've gotten out of 2400 allotted to you per day. If you get over that kills in a day you will stop earning experience. You can still gain experience from completing quest at this point. Also, level restrictions have been added to some scrolls. For instance you must be level 25 to use a Scroll of Ancient now. This counter is reset every 24 hours in the early morning.
All character levels, banks and lockers were wiped. Items on your character's paper doll were not wiped, so if you had some decent gear on you're in luck!
As many of you know, "Arglona" in-game is in direct contact with the admin(s). He/She is now taking ideas, complaints and updating players on new events concerning Endless Online via MSN (not only Arglon). If you'd like to have some say in the future of EO don't hesitate to speak up and help shape the game. Add arglon@hotmail.com to your friends list. DON'T DO THIS!
Level Restrictions
Leave Tutorial Island - Level 4
Aeven - Level 5
Aeven Port - Level 6
Malone Outlet Path - Level 7
Castle/Skywonder Path - Level 8
Ice Mountain/Ice Caves - Level 10
North New Swamp/Vines/Tenbas - Level 18
Biters Under Grocery - Level 16
Hall of Pain - Level 20
Spawn Rate Changes
Biters now have a reduced spawn rate.
Tenbas and Bales now have a reduced spawn rate.
Update: level restrictions have been added to dozens of maps!!!
Players over level 10 were set back to level 10. New level restrictions have been added to access more maps throughout the game. Experience and spawn rates of several monsters have been lowered.
A new command was added to the game. Type in #KILLS. This command informs you the x amount of kills you've gotten out of 2400 allotted to you per day. If you get over that kills in a day you will stop earning experience. You can still gain experience from completing quest at this point. Also, level restrictions have been added to some scrolls. For instance you must be level 25 to use a Scroll of Ancient now. This counter is reset every 24 hours in the early morning.
All character levels, banks and lockers were wiped. Items on your character's paper doll were not wiped, so if you had some decent gear on you're in luck!
As many of you know, "Arglona" in-game is in direct contact with the admin(s). He/She is now taking ideas, complaints and updating players on new events concerning Endless Online via MSN (not only Arglon). If you'd like to have some say in the future of EO don't hesitate to speak up and help shape the game. Add arglon@hotmail.com to your friends list. DON'T DO THIS!
środa, 3 sierpnia 2011
Some serious updates?
Well, as u see EO changes each day. I will just note few implemented updates..
1. Killing limit. Right now experience raises every day up to 2600 killed mobs. It's the current fix for autoing. The amount may decrease, also the solution may be changed by possible experience to gain that depends on char's level?
2. Daily quests. Low experience while the solutions seems to be a good one too. Arnie will raise the experience (1500, not 900) and imrpove at least claws drops.. Why? Becouse he might not understand what 'daily' means :D. Daily doesn't mean that the quest has to be do all the day!
The idea of daily quests wanted to bring with it total death to eobots/scarbots by making autoing not worthy. Finding the best solution may take few weeks. I think that, there should be experience limit related to level. People may choose doing some quests for few hours in opposit to grind all the time.
What about variety? Daily quests doesn't mean that u have to kill like 100 craws (what happens nowadays). There should be like 10 quests that take approximately 20 minutes for each one. That would be nice.
2600? Come on, the limit is too low, the amount is to high! 2600 nutvipers may be killed in like 2/3 parts of the day! Autoing has still a sense :/
1. Killing limit. Right now experience raises every day up to 2600 killed mobs. It's the current fix for autoing. The amount may decrease, also the solution may be changed by possible experience to gain that depends on char's level?
2. Daily quests. Low experience while the solutions seems to be a good one too. Arnie will raise the experience (1500, not 900) and imrpove at least claws drops.. Why? Becouse he might not understand what 'daily' means :D. Daily doesn't mean that the quest has to be do all the day!
The idea of daily quests wanted to bring with it total death to eobots/scarbots by making autoing not worthy. Finding the best solution may take few weeks. I think that, there should be experience limit related to level. People may choose doing some quests for few hours in opposit to grind all the time.
What about variety? Daily quests doesn't mean that u have to kill like 100 craws (what happens nowadays). There should be like 10 quests that take approximately 20 minutes for each one. That would be nice.
2600? Come on, the limit is too low, the amount is to high! 2600 nutvipers may be killed in like 2/3 parts of the day! Autoing has still a sense :/
środa, 27 lipca 2011
New quests!
Just 2 of them. The second one seems to be bugged, if I get some spare time I will check it. The dupe should be possible due to many solutions that actually weren't fixed and some new opportunities that new quests give...
wtorek, 26 lipca 2011
What a weird day..
EO is back.. or not. Well, the situation changes every 5 minutes. Today the port 8079 was opened again but char were unable to begin the game - 2 min ban! After the big return there were like 6 - 8 Reboots. Arnie fixed freeze/dupe in an easy way. However, the way is not that good as it looks like, still a lot may be done? Dunno, since while checking another reboot occured and the server is still unavailable. More news in next few hours!
niedziela, 24 lipca 2011
Short update..
Well, as you noticed, EO was online for few hours. There are several conclusions what happened. First of all, Vult-r rebooted the server (to see what will happen?). On the other hand, it was a reboot due to a mainstance (dupe/freezing is not fixed).
Than after few laggy hours the port (8079) was disabled. I thought that it was DDoS, however some minor packets insisted on statement that Arnie was logged in.
Oh well.. The latest conclusion related to fact, that he was testing DDoS issue and making the server laggy even more. Who cares if EO is down and noone knows what will happen in next few weeks.
Vult's server has a Worm on it. It's something that we may try to communicate with but it may end as a failure. We don't care that much to spend few days on this attept, however, for those who knows what port-scanning is, it may be useful knowledge.
I enjoy allods this month. Those 'busy times' helps not to think about this !@#$% game :D.
Than after few laggy hours the port (8079) was disabled. I thought that it was DDoS, however some minor packets insisted on statement that Arnie was logged in.
Oh well.. The latest conclusion related to fact, that he was testing DDoS issue and making the server laggy even more. Who cares if EO is down and noone knows what will happen in next few weeks.
Vult's server has a Worm on it. It's something that we may try to communicate with but it may end as a failure. We don't care that much to spend few days on this attept, however, for those who knows what port-scanning is, it may be useful knowledge.
I enjoy allods this month. Those 'busy times' helps not to think about this !@#$% game :D.
wtorek, 5 lipca 2011
poniedziałek, 4 lipca 2011
sobota, 2 lipca 2011
piątek, 1 lipca 2011
środa, 29 czerwca 2011
poniedziałek, 27 czerwca 2011
środa, 22 czerwca 2011
poniedziałek, 20 czerwca 2011
niedziela, 19 czerwca 2011
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