The name of the dupe relates to Shaman's char and polish modern hip hop song with 'shaman' in name.
- Vult-R introduces quest cancellation option
- there was a projection it may result in dupe; accessing quests was tough - most chars had quests completed; it was unknown which quest can be cancelled or the cancellation is disabled
- Mr Sweet (name not disclosed) pms Luke with info related to THE ONLY once quest (everyone knew that) with gold reward in the middle (actually, post first quest step)
- the chain was simple - take quest, kill 10 mambas, take reward, cancel quest, repeat
- due to other specifics e.g. killing mamba counts to every party member - the biggest profits were achieved in party
- so we dupe..
2. Realization was a process:
- we didn't hide that much (too much fun)
- there was a disinformation campaign (speed related) to reduce Vult-R interest in PLC
- so we.. continued to dupe
3. Realization
- we got jailed
- we got accused
- there was a lot of fun
- there were negotiations, most of gold was taken back, we were set free
To summarize - will not forget XD
It was my 5th dupe in entire EO history. Screenshots will tell more